Sarah McDaniel

My name is Sarah McDaniel and I am pleased to welcome you to the Team Diffusion website! I am incredibly blessed to be working alongside many amazing women on this team that share a love and passion for helping others live more intentionally in regards to their health. We do this by sharing how to use essential oils to support our bodies and emotions along with advice on how to kick chemicals and toxins out of our homes for good.

If there’s anything that makes you more aware of your health and lifestyle, it’s having kids. Once I had my first child, I quickly began noticing how much more prevalent things like allergies, ADHD, sleeping issues, lack of focus, lethargy, colds, and diseases like cancer were all around me. I didn’t want that for myself or my family. Although I’ve always taken a more “natural” approach to things, once I discovered essential oils, I started noticing how fast and effective they work in our bodies compared to other remedies. We have seen positive results with better sleep, immunity, energy, stress levels, focus, and eliminating issues like earaches, stomach discomfort, headaches, colds, fevers, heartburn and more.

I am a firm believer that change starts with what we put into our bodies, on our skin, and breathe into our lungs. Eating a clean, GMO-free, healthy diet is vital. We get out of our bodies what we put in. Eat junk, crave more junk. It’s a vicious cycle. Next comes what we put on our skin through soaps, make-up, hair products, perfumes, fabric softeners, lotions etc. Some of the most toxic things we use in our homes are air fresheners, laundry detergents and softeners, and cleaning products. It’s unfortunate that your “free & clear” labeled items might not be free or clear of many harmful chemicals, yet it’s all allowed in products we buy EVERY DAY!! Here are some great ways to gain wisdom on the products you buy and what’s ACTUALLY in them:

  • Download the Think Dirty or Environmental Working Group (EWG) app
  • Scan the products you use every day to gauge their toxicity level
  • Research safer products or DIY options that are economical and safe

Although we can’t control all of the toxins we are exposed to, we CAN limit our exposure. We are the gatekeepers of our homes!

With essential oils popping up in stores everywhere, it’s very important to understand the source of your oils. Due to very few standards for oils, companies are able to label bottles with things like “pure” or “all natural” and even “Therapeutic Grade” while only containing 5% of the actual oil. What else is in the bottle? Young Living compares to no other with its commitment to sourcing, science, and standards. You can learn more about Young Living’s Seed to Seal process in the “Let’s Learn” tab on this page.

This journey we are all on to better our bodies and minds is a PROCESS. No need to stress about changing everything immediately. Take SMALL STEPS to make BIG CHANGES inside your home. This community is here to help you on your journey! We make it a point to continue researching, learning and refining to live our best lives. I personally am with you every step of the way answering questions and sharing knowledge. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! I LOVE this job and am passionate about helping others make positive changes in their lives and with their health.

Stefanie HaysChristine Voss